19 Feb Be like the dolphins
Be like the dolphins
It occurred to me recently that the movement of the dolphins can teach us much about our approach to life.
Sometimes our very human approach, is to want everything in life to be neat and tidy, and our journey to be smooth and without speed bumps.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve wanted this to be true. While we can learn tools to help manage our emotional and mental state through challenging times, we still have ‘things’ crop up. Because we can’t control the world around us can we? There will always be traffic on the road to frustrate us, the end of a job to deal with, the death of a loved-one to cope with, or mundane things to do like move house.
These events don’t even compare with the level of trauma and hurt that are leveled at some people. How do they cope? Reading the stories of people who have survived horrendous events is sobering and inspiring, and while it can be hard to witness, they will almost always mention how they made it through.
Last week I had a really challenging time, and while it doesn’t even rate up there on the trauma scale, it sent me into a very quick spiral. Luckily one of my teachers was available to give me a healing that same afternoon.
We are not only of this world
Towards the end of the healing, when it was time to clear some pretty ‘sticky’ stuff from my energy field, that I hadn’t been able to clear on previous attempts, she said “Shelley, you know how to do this. You can do this.”
Instantly the dolphins and whales, amongst other divine beings appeared in my minds’ eye. I realised that yes, I did know how to do this, and so I went about clearing the last of the dross from my energy field.
Clearly I was ready to embody more of my soul’s gifts and wisdom for this life on earth and I was so overwhelmed with gratitude that I could barely talk. My being expanded exponentially, and I know that I will remember that day for as long as I live.
To say I am grateful for this entire experience would be an understatement. Grateful for the challenging experience. Grateful for my teacher being available and aware of what was happening, and being the incredibly generous true-teacher that she is, she empowered me to grow in my own mastery.
A couple of days later as I was driving home from the ocean before getting ready to do healings for the day, it occurred to me that in nature, there are cycles and constant ups and downs. The dolphins and whales for example can’t survive 100% of the time in the water because they need oxygen to breathe, and yet they can’t survive without the water either. The natural kingdom doesn’t get upset about this, it’s a NECESSARY part of life.
Being a spiritual being on planet earth
We need to be planted firmly on the earth because that’s where we’ve incarnated at this time. We’ve got plenty of time to float about like Angels once we’ve finished here, but being here is an underestimated gift. At the same time, we need to be able to access our own soul’s wisdom and gifts to help us navigate life. Everyone is here for their own specific reason, and the time spent in communion with your soul is truly precious.
To be able to ride the ups and downs of life takes courage, because it can be scary, messy, and upsetting, and you can worry that you won’t bob up to the surface again. This is totally natural. The gift of coming out the other side of challenging times, is the strength of spirit that emerges. It’s there
— whether we know it or not—sometimes it doesn’t feel like it right away, but it’s there.
We do however, need to ensure we’re being supported through these times. It’s really important to surround yourself with a network of friends/family/coworkers, your spiritual community or a trusted therapist/coach in your life that you can talk to, and receive support from when you need it. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that people won’t understand, or that they don’t have time.
“Our challenge is to navigate both the energies of the earth, as well as the energies of our soul, to embody that timeless wisdom and our gifts.”
Shelley McConaghy, 2019
The other reminder I received that day, was that our dolphin and whale friends have much to teach us about navigating different layers of consciousness. They are masters at accessing higher wisdom and knowledge, and bringing it down to the earth plane for us to access. They are incredibly intelligent, and have a ridiculously high vibration. The frequencies of light that they embody are truly a gift to us.
Learning to listen to our soul
You may have read the stories about people who have interacted with wild dolphins and whales, and the incredible sense of peace that permeates their being.
They spend much of their time in what we would call meditation, or ‘deep listening’. All Indigenous cultures place great emphasis on the need for periods of stillness and silence to maintain a sense of well being and balance.
I encourage you to balance the activities of your day, with some quiet time to yourself, to listen to your own soul. That infinite part of yourself that knows why you’re here, and has gifts galore that you can access to help you on your journey.
If this is something you want to explore further and need a starting point, get in touch to see how we can assist you.
Shelley McConaghy
Divine Balance
NOTE: Please please don’t sit in struggle with a concerning matter affecting your mental, emotional, or spiritual health. Reach out for help, and ensure that you receive the support you need when you need it:
Australian mental/emotional health support phone numbers
1300 22 4636
24 hours/7 days a week
Blue Knot Foundation Helpline
1300 657 380
9am-5pm AEST/7 days a week
Butterfly Foundation’s National Helpline,
1800 33 4673
8am – midnight AEST/7 days a week
eheadspace (young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families)
1800 650 890
Kids Helpline (young people aged 5 to 25)
Call 1800 55 1800
Lifeline provides
13 11 14
24 hours/7 days a week
MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78
24 hours/7 days a week
The MindSpot Clinic
1800 61 44 34
8am-8pm (Mon-Fri), 8am-6pm (Sat)
1800 184 527
3pm-12am AEST/7 days a week
PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia)
1300 726 306
9am-7:30pm AEST (Mon-Fri)
SANE Australia
1800 18 7263, 9am-5pm AEST (Mon-Fri)
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
24 hours/7 days a week
Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS)
1800 011 046
24 hours/7 days a week
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