21 May Be impervious
The image of a sheer curtain billowing gently in the breeze is at once sensual, tantalising, and yet holds great energetic medicine.
A sheer curtain allows the wind to blow through it—to be impervious—not to tear it off its track. I think we could learn something from this.
The medicine of the curtain in the window, is that it invites us to allow what is interacting with it, to simply pass through and between its fibres. It doesn’t contain the breeze and billow up like a spinnaker propelling a yacht. It gracefully allows the air to make contact, acknowledge its presence, and just pass on through.
Sometimes I think we would benefit from being more like this, instead of sponging up all of what comes across our path.
Empathic challenge
I speak to a lot of healers, teachers, mental health professionals, psychic readers and mediums, and as empathic people, they have one thing in common. Taking on board other people’s ‘stuff’. In using the word ‘stuff’ I do not mean to be disrespectful. Stuff refers to what the other person is expressing, or freeing themselves of, during the interaction. This can be their sorrow, pain, regret, shame, guilt, anguish, their tragic story….so many things.
It’s so tempting to want to ease the suffering of the person in front of us. Most people in supportive roles are natural givers, they want to help, and they want to see an end to their clients’ pain. Often this translates into energetically ‘surrogating’ or taking on their clients’ story and hurt, to help carry their load for them.
As much as we’d like to, we can never really ease someone else’s suffering, because each person has their own path to travel, and their own burdens to bear. We can help them navigate their way through, but taking on another’s pain is unhelpful for us. It is also disempowering for the person whose burden we feel it is our responsibility to carry. Trusting that they have the skills, or helping them acquire those skills, is much more empowering.
The sheer curtain technique
So the next time you feel yourself taking on the weight of the world, or the load of the person in front of you, imagine this:
YOU are the sheer curtain
Whatever is coming your way, is going to pass right through you
It might move you (because you are an empathic, big-hearted person), but it’s not going to have any lasting impact
Let the breeze continue its journey, while you continue on yours.
Shelley McConaghy
High-dimensional healer
Posted at 21:12h, 07 MarchThis is beautiful. Just what I needed to read.